Visually impaired (VI) cricket launched at Hemel Hempstead Town Cricket Club in 2024, with the support of Hertfordshire Cricket and Blind Cricket England and Wales, who provided us with specialist equipment. It is part of our work as a Disability Champion Club. The sessions are for all ages and abilities. Our players range from those who are completely new to cricket, to one player who has represented England in VI cricket. Information on the format of the game is available here.
Our winter sessions in 2025 run from January to March at different school sports hall in Hertfordshire, before we train outside at Hemel Hempstead Town CC from April. Full details are on the British Blind Sport website. You can also listen to an interview with a coach and a player on RNIB Radio here.
In 2025, we hope to have enough players to begin playing matches against teams from other areas. With the agreement of Hertfordshire Cricket we will be playing as ‘Hertfordshire Comets’.
For further information, contact Richard Grayson at HHTCC by email:
We are on X (formerly Twitter) as @HertsComets.
This project is part-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Further information can be found on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund webpage. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. Hemel Hempstead Town CC has also received financial support from the Foresters Friendly Society for the activities of Hertfordshire Comets.